
Here are a few 알바사이트 helpful websites for finding a part-time job as an international student or a non-Japanese resident of Japan. Many foreigners believe it is expensive to live in Japan, but if you are an international student, having a part-time job in Japan is a good way to earn a decent income. Part-time jobs allow international students to familiarize themselves with working in Japan, as well as with some of the rules and practices.

In addition to practising Japanese with customers and co-workers, students also get the opportunity to understand the culture of working in Japan. Whatever their preferences, whether it is for food, fashion, or whatever, students have a chance to practice Japanese at jobs like store clerks.

It is also advantageous to pick part-time jobs that allow for the practice of Japanese conversational skills. You do not normally use this when working, but if you are able to speak Japanese better, read, and write, that is your asset.

Benefits and rewards of working There are different jobs that foreigners can play a positive role in, but whatever type of job you are doing, you will get to learn Japanese culture from it. It is possible to work without learning English, but jobs are harder to get, and you will earn more if you can speak the language fairly well.

Part-time language teachers are harder to find and more competitive, so you will need to build a good reputation or portfolio, as well as networking, consistently before getting the salary of your dreams.

If you are lacking work experience and Japanese language skills, you may struggle to get a job paying significantly higher wages – but that is not impossible. With a language barrier and a requirement to have Japanese skills for most jobs, it might seem hard to find opportunities that you could pursue. Finding work is not that hard, as there is such a big market for it, so simply looking around in the prefecture where you would like to work would suffice.

There are tons of different types of factories that employ people in Japan, so make sure that you know which types of factories you would like to work at before looking for jobs.

A lot of people use these jobs as stepping stones into Japan, and you can always search while here and switch jobs if you like. Since 24 hours services are very prevalent in Japan, like the ubiquitous konbini, it is very easy to get a job that fits your hours and supplements your income. Part-time jobs are known in Japan as arubaito, are very common for both Japanese locals and international students, and pay is quite good in comparison with average living expenses.

In Japan, foreign students may be employed as part-time workers for 28 hours per week, with breaks of between 4 to 5 hours a day. The primary activity listed on your visa is studying, so you may work a maximum of 28 hours per week. Students may study and attend classes during the day, and then work in a local restaurant during their leisure hours.

In terms of scheduling, most places are pretty relaxed on how many days per week you will be working, as well as taking breaks. Working and studying simultaneously can get pretty exhausting, so be aware of this when taking that late-night extra shift on Sunday.

It is necessary, that some language schools advise students to wait several months before starting looking for part-time jobs, particularly if they are total beginners. Especially, foreign students attending Japanese language schools seek out part-time jobs in order to support their needs for living during study.

International students coming to Japan on visa status Students generally are not expected to work. This is because you came to Japan on a student visa, and not on a work visa (such as an engineering internship visa or humanities visa).

Before you are allowed to work in Japan legally as a foreign student, you need to obtain authorization from your Immigration Office a permit to perform activities beyond your qualifications for the status. To be allowed to work part-time in Japan, a foreigner must ask permission to engage in activities other than those permitted by previously granted Status of Residency. You do not have to apply for this permission if you plan never to engage in part-time work in Japan, such as ryuugakusei (Liu Xue Sheng), but it is an easy, quick application.

You can check the type of your visa in the STATUS section of the zairyu (Zai Liu Zi Ge ) card, and look up restrictions on the internet or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan (03-5501-8431, Japanese only).

It is important to know that the government of Japan imposes penalties, sometimes as severe as deportation, on you if you take on a part-time job without a permit. You are also prohibited from engaging in a part-time career in the adult entertainment industry, even if you are legally a legal adult (20 years old and older in Japan). Students are not allowed to work at adult entertainment services like a hostess bar or an Omise, gambling facilities such as Pachinko, or gaming parlors in Japan.

Do not assume that you are allowed to work at Hostess Bars simply because you saw the Vice documentary on them; dipping your toe into the adult entertainment industry is strictly prohibited for students, just as it is with most visas in Japan. Usually, students get jobs in service industries like fast-food shops, restaurants, cafes, hotels, or in marketing, teaching, etc.

Being involved with industries like fast food, cafes, teaching, and tourism in Japan also helps foreign students get familiar with Japanese working culture, and opens doors for making Japanese friends. It takes some work to find part-time jobs in Japan, but with the right student visa and some elbow grease, the experience pays off in spades. If you plan on looking for work in Japan once your language program is over, the arubaito would have been an invaluable experience.